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Conflict Management

Category View: Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Managing Conflict in the Workplace

Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medecine logo

Contact: Brandi Bordelon
Phone: (504) 988-1342

Conflict management skills are used in all aspects of life.  From interpersonal to work situations, all of us need these skills in one way or another.  Some of the fundamentals of effective conflict management are intuitive, and some stretch our preferred methods of dealing with others.   


  • Identify the six keys to managing...
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Inescapable Realities in Public Health - Conflict and Collaboration: Building Competency

Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medecine logo

Contact: Brandi Bordelon
Phone: (504) 988-1342

Have you ever found yourself in a conflict, either professional or personal, with no idea how to get out of it without simply surrendering or fighting back?  Just how is it that conflict seems to arise so often? 
With all the attention that "win-win" approaches get these days, is collaboration always the best to resolve differences?  Is there an...

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Basic Supervision Skills: Supervision - Coaching

Supervisors frequently engage in coaching discussions with their employees to deal with work-related discrepancies, while fostering respectful supervisor-employee relationships.

Intended Audience:


Learning Objectives:

  • Identify supervisor's role and responsibility when faced with situations requiring coaching/redirecting.
  • Learn tools to diagnose performance issues and determine the best course of action.
... More About This Course

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