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Environmental Health

Category View: Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Volunteer Training: Stress Management

Collage of people in stressful situations - hugging, grieving, fatigued.

Course Summary

A disaster is a traumatic event for members of the affected community, and can have a negative impact on mental health. It is not only victims who can suffer from traumatic stress. Emergency responders can suffer from it as well. It is vital for individuals involved in the emergency response to manage their stress to whatever degree possible, in order to maintain the safety of themselves and others as they carry out their duties during the event, perform their duties...

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Did You See That - Video Game

"Did You See That?" combines video clips of these scientists with colorful graphics and intriguing questions and blends them together into an exciting board game. Both the DVD contents and the game board can be accessed from this page. Whether played by a few people or in teams, "Did You See That?" provides players with fun and information in a game that can easily be completed during a typical classroom session. It is the perfect accompaniment for any discussion or informational seminar...

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