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Helping Students with Brain Injuries - Module 3: Technology, Assistive Devices, and Troubleshooting

Category: Brain Injury

Course Summary

There are three sections in this course:

  • Section 1: Software
  • Section 2: Assistive Devices
  • Section 3: Troubleshooting

There are review questions at the end of each section. These review questions will provide you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills presented in these sections.

Intended Audience

PK-12 teachers, school nurses, Area Education Agency staff, school psychologists, speech / language therapists, occupational therapists, para educators, school administrators, social workers, parents, and caregivers.

Learning Objectives:

Section 1: Software

After completing this section, participants will be able to:

  • Discusssoftware products to consider when working with students with brain injury
  • Identifysoftware for struggling learners

Section 2: assistive Devices

After completing this section, participants will be able to:

  • Identifyassistive devices that are useful for students with brain injury
  • Discusshow software applications can be used for bypass strategies

Section 3: Troubleshooting

After completing this section, participants will be able to:

  • Matchweakness and bypass strategies for students with brain injury
  • Applythe strategies using software and assistive devices to help students with brain injury

Pre-requisites/Learning Level

No pre-requisites

Competencies addressed

Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals identified

Domain 1: Analytical/Assessment Skills

  • 1A1. Describes factors affecting the health of a community (e.g., equity, income, education, environment)
  • 1A12. Contributes to assessments of community health status and factors influencing health in a community (e.g., quality, availability, accessibility, and use of health services; access to affordable housing)

Domain 2: Policy Development/Program Planning Skills

  • 2A6. Gathers information that can inform options for policies, programs, and services (e.g., secondhand smoking policies, data use policies, HR policies, immunization programs, food safety programs)
  • 2A7. Describes implications of policies, programs, and services

Domain 3: Communication Skills

  • 3A3. Solicits input from individuals and organizations (e.g., chambers of commerce, religious organizations, schools, social service organizations, hospitals, government, community-based organizations, various populations served) for improving the health of a community

Domain 6: Public Health Sciences Skills

  • 6A2. Identifies prominent events in history of public health (e.g., smallpox eradication, development of vaccinations, infectious disease control, safe drinking water, emphasis on hygiene and hand washing, access to health care for people with disabilities)

CEUs Offered





Online Self-Pace


1 hour

Presenter(s) and/or Content Experts

Peg Meder, MA, CBIS

Technical requirements:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 
  • Flash Player 
  • Speakers

Registration requirements

Register a free account

Creation and/or update

April 25, 2012

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